“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
Socrates 470 – 399BC
What Are People’s Assemblies?
People’s Assembly is a grassroots form of deliberative and direct democracy, a way for a group of people to collectively make decisions and discuss issues in which everyone’s voice is heard and valued.
People’s assemblies have been used by civil society and social movements around the world and are a powerful way to collectively make decisions and consider issues for people-powered change. They should not be confused with citizen’s assemblies which are more formalized institutional processes where citizens are selected to participate based on a representative sample of the population that the issue affects.
There are many ways that assemblies can be held, from mass gatherings where the whole group holds a discussion with the aim of reaching a consensus, to smaller breakout groups whose decisions are integrated into a whole group outcome. Whilst this may suit local communities where people don’t have to travel far, we provide an online platform where people can participate within local and nationwide assemblies.

Local/National Community Groups
With 1700+ predefined groups for every electorate, government department, MP, political party, local council, region, district and suburb, each with its own discussion forum allows you to raise and participate in matters what concerns and interests you the most.
Government Departments
Groups & discussion forums for each government department.
Local Councils & Boards
Groups & forums for all local councils & boards across New Zealand.
Local Electorates
Join in the discussion about issues within your local electorate.
Members Of Parliament
Keep tabs on local & list MP’s groups & discussion forums.
Political Parties
Keep tabs on political parties and join the discussion about whats happening.
Regions, Districts & Suburbs
Discuss topics in areas that affect you.
Create & Manage Your Own Groups & Discussion Forums
Create your own politically motivated public, private and hidden groups for public engagement.
Create, join and become part of political campaigns across New Zealand.
Join in the discussion about candidates for NZ elections.
Join the discussions on range of different policies, laws & legislation.
Create, promote or follow organizations and their campaigns
Parallel Society
Groups & disccussion forums surrounding for parallel communities.
Ratepayers & Residents
Groups & forums for local community associations within New Zealand.
Engauge Public & Member Involvement
Create petitions, polls, public submissions, surveys and get involved with projects.
Create & publish petitions to submit to change makers to action upon
Project management tools to help organize projects and teams.
Gauge the views of members of the public by creating online polls.
Allow the public to upload submissions to help find solutions to issues.
Create online surveys and generate live results as they come in.
Social Networking Features
People’s Assembly comes complete with many features you will find on big tech social media platforms.
Stay up to date with activity streams.
Organize and advertise group events.
Forum discussions for each group.
Connect with other members.
Groups covering NZ’s political landscape.
Members directory making it easy to find others.
Private messaging features for members.
Gauge public opinion quickly with online polls.
Comprehensive and detailed member profiles
Individual & group video conferencing features.
About People’s Assembly
People’s Assembly are created with the sole purpose of giving the people of New Zealand a voice in shaping the political landscape of our country in the 21st Century. Whilst we all have our own personal opinions and ideologies, the people behind this platform are dedicated to ensure that each and every person who uses this platform is treated fairly and equally in an unbiased way.
Integrity means everything to us because without free, open and honest debate about the issues that affect each and everyone one of us, no true democracy can ever exist. Thus it is not for us to promote or oppose any political party, candidate or policy unless they go against the fundamental principles, rights and liberties of others. All viewpoints on this platform are those held by those who aired them and not necessarily the viewpoint held by those who developed this platform.
We recognize how freedom of speech is critical to free and fair democratic societies, that open and transparent debate is crucial to a nation being able to make informed decisions regardless of subject matter. Whilst we understand political debate can become polarizing, we hold the firm and undeniable viewpoint that true and proper informed decisions for the good of the people and the nation as a whole can only be achieved once all arguments both for and against are laid out in a free, open and transparent manner, free from all forms of censorship.
Our Goals
1. To explore and determine ways to bring New Zealand’s 19th Century democratic processes into the 21st Century technological age.
2. To encourage the people of New Zealand to be more involved within the political landscape than just ticking a box once every three years.
3. To make a case for the New Zealand government to formally introduce more government recognized People’s & Citizen Assemblies as part of the decision making processes.
4. To make a case for regular binding referendums (Direct Democracy) for decision making processes as opposed to our current representative democracy. See Switzerland for more information on a current working example.
5. To explore solutions that ensures the interests and benefits of the people of New Zealand as a whole are put first before the interests and benefits of corporate lobbyists, big government, big pharma, big government.
6. To ensure democracy remains true to its definition, where the common people are considered as the primary source of political power in New Zealand using a government powered by the people for the people whilst being exercised through direct democracy and elected representatives.
“Democracy leads to anarchy, which is mob rule. Democracy passes into despotism. Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.”
“Freedom in a democracy is the glory of the state, and, therefore, in a democracy only will the freeman of nature deign to dwell.”
Plato (428BC to 348 BC)